Twin Peaks: The Return - Redemption of Soul Video Essay Series

Twin Peaks: The Return - Redemption of Soul Video Essay Series

In this multi-part video essay series, I discuss how Twin Peaks: The Return can be understood as a warning of the illness that plagues the modern soul and how it hints at the possibility of redemption. The Return includes symbolic imagery and themes that resonate with esoteric mythology and teachings found within various ancient philosophical traditions, religions, mystery cults, and magical beliefs as well as the mystic explorations of depth psychologist C.G. Jung.

Part 1 - Laura Palmer and the World Soul

This video essay touches on esoteric Jungian studies, David Lynch's creative intuitions, Anima Mundi, Feminine Principle, Divine Feminine, Greek Mythology and Philosophy , The Underworld Mystery cults , Buddhism Hinduism, Gnosticism, Alchemy, Intuition, C.G. Jung, Marie-Louise von Franz , Plato

Part 2 - Soul Loss and the Underworld Mysteries

This video essay touches on these subjects: Esoteric Jungian studies, Ancient Greek Mystery cults , Greek mythology, Hinduism, Tibetan Book of the Dead, Jungian Individuation, The Self, Shakti, Anima Mundi, Feminine Principle, Divine Feminine, Realm of Hungry Ghosts, Gnostic Belief systems, C.G. Jung, Marie-Louise von Franz, Barbara Hannah, Peter Kingsley, Károly Kerényi, Ramana Maharshi, Plato, Heraclitus, Empedocles, Parmenides , David Lynch's practices

Part 3 - Redemption

This video essay touches on Egyptian Religion, Ma'at, The Duat, Tibetan Esoteric Religion, The Bardo Thodol (aka Tibetan Book of the Dead), Ancient Greek Mystery cults, Hieros Gamos (The Sacred Marriage), Alchemy, Sophia, Hinduism, Satcitananda, Anima Mundi, Feminine Principle, Divine Feminine, Esoteric Jungian studies, Realm of Hungry Ghosts, Gnostic Belief systems, Ram Dass, C.G. Jung, Marie-Louise von Franz, Barbara Hannah, Peter Kingsley, Manly P. Hall, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Ramana Maharshi, David Lynch's practice

Magnolia - Suffering, Grace, and True Love

Magnolia - Suffering, Grace, and True Love

Twin Peaks - Dale Cooper and the Eight Circuit Model of Consciousness - A Cautionary Tale

Twin Peaks - Dale Cooper and the Eight Circuit Model of Consciousness - A Cautionary Tale